Courses on your own…
Beginner Chair Yoga OnDemand
Great starting point to get moving again! 4 Lessons and you can go back and watch again.
15 Minute Desk Stretch OnDemand
Are you caring for your body like you should during the work day? Or are your shoulders, neck, back and eyes throbbing?
15 Days of Peace
Begin your Chakra Journey here with a daily email. Lecture, meditation, yoga class for each Chakra. Learn to create balance and increase the energy of that Chakra.
Yoga Nidra Series
4 Part series with an email each week to review and guide you into deep relaxation. This supports a calm nervous system and for many provides them with deep sleep .
Happy Feet Workshop
If you experience sore feet and tired legs on a daily basis, this workshop will provide you wonderful tools to keep you feeling refreshed and ready for the day! Each section is broken out and easily viewed.
Gratitude Meditations
30 daily emails with video link to allow you to find gratitude each day. Have a journal on hand to do the daily prompt from the video after the meditation.
30 Day Mobility Program
Enjoy the movements with a daily email that will provide you mobility in each of your joints all under 10 minutes a day. Each day we build up from what was learned the day before.
Signature Program with Amy
Chakra Master Class
6 Week Program - join waitlist
Taking a deeper step to understand the 7 Chakras, what it means to have an energetic block and what you can do to find more balance in your Body, Mind and Soul.
This healing journey is created for you to listen to pre-recorded videos on your own time plus enjoy a twice a month call to answer any questions that have come up from your studies.
The private Facebook group will allow you to ask questions of the others in the group and to learn and grow together.
Additional videos and information will be put into the private Facebook group to continue to inspire you along your healing path.
Book a Live Yoga Class or
an Energy Session
Ready to enjoy a Live Yoga class from your own home or while on vacation.
Is Deep relaxation needed to keep you calm during a stressful time.