Enjoy the 7 Day Trial Membership with Yoga Amy

What people say about my classes…

I can finally walk without my cane after years of being reliant on it.

I can reach to the upper shelf of my medicine cabinet and pantry now.

I have strength to sit taller and I have gained 4 inches in height.

My shoulders are finally loosening up after being still for so long.

I have stopped taking Aleve on a daily basis and I feel so much better.

Yoga for me helps me maintain my Diabetes.

I have been feeling rather sluggish with the heat.  Your classes are a Godsend for waking up my body and giving me energy!

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Enjoy these next 7 days with this schedule ….

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Live Scheduled Classes via Zoom

Every week the schedule is (Pacific Time)

  1. Sunday 4-5 pm Gentle Yoga (floor or bed)

  2. Monday 2-3 pm Chair

  3. Tuesday 10-11 am Chair

  4. Tuesday 7-8 pm Gentle

  5. Wednesday 7-7:30 am Wake Up (cardio, standing, chair)

  6. Wednesday 10-11 am Strength & Balance (cardio, standing, chair)

  7. Friday 7-7:30 am Wake Up (cardio, standing, chair)

  8. Friday 10-11 am Chair


Schedule your Fitness Strategy Call

As part of your 7 day trial period, just like I do with all of my new clients. I book a time to talk and hear about your goals, what you want to be able to do and within the period of time to accomplish that.

This is a 30 minute Zoom Call and video will be on so I can have you do a few things for me as well to show me your starting point.

(Think of this as your tour of my business, I no longer have a brick and mortar business and this is a great way for me to get to know you and vice versa.)


Learning to connect to your true Self and paying more attention to your Body, Mind and Soul.